Benjamin Molnar

Forensic Expert
Accident Reconstruction

Mr. Molnar is a Forensic Expert in Accident Reconstruction with Aperture (formerly BRT). Mr. Molnar holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is also a licensed Professional Engineer (Mechanical) in the state of California, an ACTAR-accredited accident reconstructionist, and a Certified Forensic Video Technician (CFVT) with the Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association International, Inc. (LEVA). Mr. Molnar has qualified as an accident reconstruction expert in both state and federal trials.

In addition to accident reconstruction, Mr. Molnar specializes in the forensic analysis of video files and complex photogrammetry. He has performed research on the accuracy of frame timing reported by video files, published peer-reviewed articles, instructed training courses, and presented at national conferences on these topics. Additionally, Mr. Molnar is one of seven national ambassadors for PhotoModeler, one of the most used computational photogrammetry software packages.

Mr. Molnar is an active member of multiple professional organizations in the field of engineering, accident reconstruction, and forensic video analysis, including the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists (NAPARS), California Association of Accident Reconstruction Specialists (CA2RS), Southwestern Association of Traffic Accident Investigators (SATAI), and the Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association International, Inc. (LEVA).

Benjamin's Expertise

  • Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
  • Forensic Video Analysis
  • Photogrammetry
  • 3D Scanning and Visualization


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder

Professional Certifications

Professional Engineer (Mechanical); State of California


Certified Forensic Video Technician (CFVT); Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association International, Inc. (LEVA)

Remote Pilot; Federal Aviation Administration

Work Experience

Aperture, LLC, November 2023 – Present, Forensic Expert - Accident Reconstruction

JS Held, January 2023 – November 2023, Engineer

Lightpoint Scientific | Axiom Forensic, July 2018 – January 2023, Product Engineer, Forensic Engineer, and Forensic Photogrammetrist

WEXCO International Corporation, July 2016 – July 2018, Forensic Expert


Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists (NAPARS)

California Association of Accident Reconstruction Specialists (CA2RS)

Southwestern Association of Traffic Accident Investigators (SATAI)

Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association International, Inc. (LEVA)


  • Accident Reconstruction
  • Photogrammetry
  • Video Analysis
  • Event Data Recorder (EDR) Retrieval
  • 3D Scanning
  • 3D Visualization
  • Simulation
  • Vehicle Dynamics Testing
  • Expert Testimony

Benjamin's Expertise

  • Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
  • Forensic Video Analysis
  • Photogrammetry
  • 3D Scanning and Visualization

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