We leave nothing unturned,
unanalyzed, or unexplained.
Learn more about Aperture and forensics through our recent news and research.
Aperture Announces its Partnership with QSI Consulting
Aperture, LLC, a Genstar portfolio company, announced today its partnership with QSI Consulting.
What Can Go Wrong on Your Construction Project and What Steps Can You Take To Right the Ship?
In a recent industry analysis, Aperture experts Donald Harrington and Rebecca Smith draw from their decades of construction expertise to guide contractors through their most challenging projects.
Aperture Announces Strategic Majority Investment from Genstar Capital
Investment to accelerate growth for national forensic expert services platform through expansion across service offerings and geographies
Aperture’s Economic Damages Expert Provided Patent Damages Testimony on Behalf of SSI Technologies
Aperture’s Economic Damages Expert, Richard F. Bero, and the Aperture team worked alongside Michael Best and its client, SSI Technologies, in a Patent Infringement lawsuit. At trial, the jury awarded SSI Technologies $14.2 million in lost profits and $2.4 million in reasonable royalty damages, aligning closely with Mr. Bero’s damages analysis and opinions.
Aperture Announces its Partnership with NOVUM Consulting Group
Aperture, LLC, a Trinity Hunt Partners portfolio company, announced today its partnership with NOVUM Consulting Group.
Aperture Announces the Partnership of The Bero Group
Aperture, LLC, a Trinity Hunt Partners portfolio company, announced its partnership with The BERO Group, Inc. today.
The Investigation of Automotive Accident Injuries
An investigation of Elderly Occupant Injury Risks based on Anthropometric Changes compared to Young Counterparts
A Look into Our Construction Dispute Services
Construction Contract Disputes, Analysis of Cost Overruns and Disruption Delays, and Productivity Analysis.
Estimation of Seated Driver Eye Height Based on Standing Height, Weight, Seatback Angle, and Seat Bottom Angle
This paper presents an analysis on the position of driver eye height as a function of their standing height, weight, biological sex, seat back angle and seat bottom angle. Typically, eye heights are estimated based on standing height, or measured from a rigid seated position with a vertical seat back.
Quantifying the Deceleration of Various Electric Vehicles Using Regenerative Braking
Regenerative braking is present in almost all electric vehicle models and as the demand for electric vehicles grows, the types of electric vehicles grow as well. Regenerative braking allows for an electric vehicle to convert a vehicle’s kinetic energy into electrical potential energy by utilizing the electric motors to slow the vehicle…
Aggregation of Lumbar Loads in Rear Impact Crash Tests
An analysis of peak lumbar load data collected from the existing peer-reviewed literature on rear impact crash tests was performed. Values for peak lumbar tension/compression, peak lumbar sagittal forces, and peak lumbar flexion/extension moments were aggregated from each study.
Aperture's Virtual Reality Integration
At Aperture, we have integrated virtual reality into our project workflow, resulting in a completely immersive experience of visual information. Typical animations start with digital models meant to depict the sequence and are then rendered to give them color and texture.
Aperture Announces New Office in Houston
Aperture has decided to open an office in Houston to better serve your immediate response and investigation needs.
Allocation Methods for Indirect Costs on Large Projects
Over the past 15 years, there has been a substantial increase in the number of extremely large (single contracts in excess of $500,000,000) heavy civil, process, and power projects being awarded and constructed using fixed price contracts.
Aperture Announces the Partnership of the Sage Group
Arlington, Texas. Aperture, LLC (“Aperture”), a Trinity Hunt Partners (“THP”) portfolio company, announced its partnership with Sage Group, Inc. (“Sage”) today. Bill Schwartzkopf joined what is now Sage in 1989 and founded Sage’s practice in consulting and expert services in construction disputes. Sage has since become a premier provider of consulting and expert witness services to the international construction industry, including claim preparation and analysis, damages analysis, evaluation of cost overruns, disruptions and delays, schedule analysis, construction defects, cost of repair/cost estimates. Sage is based in Denver, Colorado.
A Look into Digital Forensics
Digital Forensics preserves data which often contain evidence that could be crucial to your case. Extraction and analysis of this data requires specialized techniques and adherence to stringent protocols. Our in-house digital forensics professional is skilled at both data extraction and interpretation, helping you understand the evidence and how it impacts your case.
CAC Forensics Rebrands as Aperture
Arlington, Texas. Aperture, LLC (“Aperture”), a Trinity Hunt Partners (“THP”) portfolio company, announced its partnership with CAC Forensics, LLC (“CAC”) today. CAC was founded by Will Miller and his wife Shannon, in 2003, and is a premier provider of accident reconstruction and digital forensic engineering services based in Southlake, Texas.
A Look into Tractor Trailer Collisions
For cases involving commercial vehicles, Aperture can assist clients in performing the proper steps to investigate and reconstruct a commercial vehicle accident while at the same time creating a peace of mind that all pertinent data related to the collision is recovered.
BRT Rebrands as Aperture
National forensics engineering firm, Aperture, LLC (“Aperture”), a Trinity Hunt Partners (“THP”) portfolio company, acquired Biomechanical Research & Testing, LLC (BRT) in 2021. Starting immediately, BRT will rebrand as Aperture and continue to provide full-service expert analysis, but with a broader reach and a deeper bench.
A Look into the Construction Industry
Learn more about our construction consulting services.
The Power of Safety: A Look into Premises Liability
Aperture can assist in developing a program to prevent children and users from injury due to playground hazards. For cases or situations involving playgrounds, Aperture can evaluate the playground for safety issues. The steps we take: Evaluate the playground for safety, assist in developing a program to prevent children and users from injury due to playground hazards, evaluate equipment specifications, provide maintenance, perform audits and inspections, identify hazards, check surface requirements and provide risk management methods.
Validation of Vehicle Speed Analysis Utilizing the Input-Ace Camera Match Overlay Tool
Traffic cameras, dash-cameras, surveillance cameras, and other video sources increasingly capture critical evidence used in the accident reconstruction process.
Validation of Utilizing a Self-Propelled Crash Sled to Simulate Occupant Accelerations in Minor Rear-End Impacts
A novel, electrically self-propelled, mobile, free-standing crash sled was constructed with a relatively minimal budget (i.e., ≤ $10,000). The crash sled was designed to simulate occupant driver or passenger seat movement in minor impacts at varying angles with minimal, if any, component replacement necessary between tests. Validation of the crash sled in a rear-end only configuration for determination of occupant accelerations was performed.
VA Forensics Rebrands as Aperture
National forensics engineering firm, Aperture, LLC (“Aperture”), a Trinity Hunt Partners (“THP”) portfolio company, acquired VA Forensics (“VAF”) in 2020. Starting immediately, VAF will rebrand as Aperture and continue to provide full-service expert analysis, but with a broader reach and a deeper bench.
Wexco Rebrands as Aperture
National forensics engineering firm, Aperture, LLC (“Aperture”), a Trinity Hunt Partners (“THP”) portfolio company, acquired WEXCO in 2020. Starting immediately, WEXCO will rebrand as Aperture and continue to provide full-service expert analysis, but with a broader reach and a deeper bench.
American Bio Engineers Rebrands as Aperture
National forensics engineering firm, Aperture, LLC (“Aperture”), a Trinity Hunt Partners (“THP”) portfolio company, acquired American Bio Engineers, LLC (“ABE”) in 2021. Starting immediately, ABE will rebrand as Aperture and continue to provide full-service expert analysis, but with a broader reach and a deeper bench.
Scientific Analysis, Inc. Rebrands as Aperture
National forensics engineering firm, Aperture, LLC (“Aperture”), a Trinity Hunt Partners (“THP”) portfolio company, acquired Scientific Analysis, Inc. (“SAI”) in 2020. Starting immediately, SAI will rebrand as Aperture and continue to provide full-service expert analysis, but with a broader reach and a deeper bench.
Aperture Announces the Purchase of Biomechanical Research & Testing, LLC
Arlington, Texas. Aperture, LLC (“Aperture”), a Trinity Hunt Partners (“THP”) portfolio company, announced its partnership with Biomechanical Research & Testing, LLC (“BRT”) today. BRT, co-founded by Dr. Judson Welcher, Ph.D., in 1994, is a premier provider of biomechanical and accident reconstruction forensic engineering services based in Long Beach, California. Dr. Welcher is joined by his four partners, Mr. Daniel Voss., Mr. Bryan Randles, Mr. Isaac Ikram, and Mr. Christopher Furbish in completing this transaction.
The Power of Data Collection
In this day and age, data collection follows us at every turn. Between computers, smartphones, and smart watches, nearly all of a person’s daily information can be recorded and tracked. While some forms of data collection are consensual and commonly known, other types of data collection occur behind the scenes and in places one might not expect.
The Power of Smartphones in the Field
In recent years, smartphones have become valuable tools for information, productivity, and communication. The cameras built into these devices have always been a major draw. These days you can enjoy incredible detail and even professional quality images with the additions of photo editing, enhanced zoom range, and lens functions. Additionally, some smartphones have a new sensor that adds depth scanning for better photos. LIDAR (“light detection and ranging”) technology works by bouncing lasers off objects to measure their distance, based on how long it takes for the light to get back to the sensor. The depth sensing is also used to improve night portrait mode effects.
Aperture Announces the Acquisition of American Bio Engineers
Arlington, Texas. Aperture, LLC (“Aperture”), a Trinity Hunt Partners (“THP”) portfolio company, announced its partnership with American Bio Engineers, LLC (“ABE”) today. ABE, founded by Brian Jones in 2009, is a premier provider of biomechanical and accident reconstruction forensic engineering services based in Las Vegas, Nevada, with satellite offices in Scottsdale, Arizona and San Diego, California.
Aperture Announces the Acquisition of VA Forensics, LLC
Dallas, Texas. Aperture LLC, a Trinity Hunt Partners (“THP”) portfolio company, announced its partnership with VA Forensics, LLC (“VAF”) today. VAF, founded by Gene Vanderpol in 1998, is a premier provider of biomechanical and accident reconstruction forensic engineering services based in Carlsbad, California.
Aperture Announces the Acquisition of Scientific Analysis, Inc.
Aperture, LLC, a Trinity Hunt Partners (THP) portfolio company, announced its partnership with Scientific Analysis, Inc. (SAI) today. SAI, founded by Steve Irwin in 1990, is a premier provider of accident reconstruction forensic engineering services based in Dallas, Texas.
Trinity Hunt Partners Announces Acquisition of Wexco International
Trinity Hunt Partners, a growth-oriented, middle market private equity firm, today announced its partnership with WEXCO International, a full-service provider of litigation focused forensic engineering services based in Marina del Rey, California.
Occupant Kinematics and Loading in Low Speed Lateral Impacts
Inter-Vehicular Sliding Friction and Crush Energy Losses in Impulse Momentum Planar Collision
Comparing the Accuracy of Image Based Scanning Techniques to Laser Scanners
A Quantitative Method for Accurately Depicting Still Photographs or Video of a Night-Time Scene Utilizing Equivalent Contrast
Analysis of Crash Data from a 2012 Kia Soul Event Data Recorder
Retroreflective DOT-C2 Tape Performance in Relation to Observation and Entrance Angle - A Real World Study
Quantifying Retroreflective DOT-C2 Tape Performance using a Retroreflectometer
Acceleration Testing and Modeling of Vehicle Kinematics Under Idle Conditions
Lumbar facet joint and intervertebral disc loading during simulated frontal plane pelvic obliquity. The Spine Journal
Validation and Use of EDR Data from a Non-CDR Supported Vehicle in a Criminal Prosecution
Accuracy of Pre-Crash Speed Recorded in 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer Event Data Recorders
Steering Column Loads and Upper Extremity Motions During Low Speed Rear-End Collisions
A New Sensor Array for Measuring Intra-Articular Pressure: Evaluation and Validation
Increased Risk of Submarining and Lower Extremity Injuries Associated with Obesity in Frontal Impacts
The Accuracy of Photogrammetry vs. Hands-on Measurement Techniques used in Accident Reconstruction
Brake Pedal Response and Occupant Kinematics During Low Speed Rear-End Collisions
The Effect of Follower Load on Lumbar Spine Facet Joint Forces and Intervertebral Disc Pressures
Determining Vehicle Speed in a Fatal Pedestrian Impact: A Case of Tampered Evidence
Development and Validation of a Versatile Intra-Articular Pressure Sensing Array
The effect of loading rate on porcine lumbar spinal segments: An in-vitro biomechanical study
Airbag Injury Risk to Older Children Occupying the Front Passenger Seat
Kinematics of Head Movement and Onset of Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Activity in Simulated Low-Velocity Rear-end Impacts
Development of an Accelerometer Based Motion Analysis System for Measurement of Head and Jaw Kinematics During Rear-Impact
Influence of Seat Foam and Geometrical Properties on BioRID P3 Kinematic Response to Rear Impacts
N-point Linear Interpolation of Motor Vehicle Crush Profiles Applied to Various Force-Shortening Models
Effects of Mass and Stiffness Ratio Variation on Vehicle Speed Change and Closing Speed Calculations
Vehicle and Occupant Kinematics in Low-Speed Override/Underride Collisions
Influence of Seat Foam and Geometrical Properties on BioRID P3 Kinematic Response to Rear Impacts
Vibrations experienced by wheelchair users while traversing decorative crosswalks
Relationships Between Impact Pulse Duration and Occupant Kinematics in Low Speed Rear Impacts
Relationship Between Seat Properties and Human Subject Kinematics in Rear-Impact Tests
Statistical Dependence of Human Occupant Accelerations on Vehicle Impact Measures in Rear-End Impacts
An analysis of pedestrian dummy throw characteristics for forward projection pedestrian collisions (published abstract)
Human Occupant Motion in Rear-End Impacts: Effects of Incremental Increases in Velocity Change
Driver Characteristics at Signal-Controlled Intersections
Pedestrian Behavior at Signal-Controlled Crosswalks
Investigation and Analysis of Real-Life Pedestrian Collisions
Stiffness and Crush Energy Analysis for Vehicle Collision and its Relationship to Barrier Equivalent Velocity (BEV)
Influence of Seat Properties on Occupant Kinematics and Injury Potential in Low-Speed Rear Impacts
Comparison of pedestrian accident reconstruction models to experimental test data for wrap trajectories
Analysis of pedestrian gait and perception/reaction at signal-controlled crosswalk intersections.
Occupant Modeling for Accident Reconstruction
Relationship Between Seat Properties and Human Subject Kinematics in Rear Impact Tests
Biomechanics of Low-Speed Impacts
Low Speed Car Impacts with Different Bumper Systems: Correlation of Analytical Model with Tests
Biomechanics of Low Speed Impacts
Effect of Braking on Human Occupant and Vehicle Kinematics in Low Speed Rear-End Collisions
System-Based Energy and Momentum Analysis of Collisions
Human Subject Testing and Response to Low Level Accelerations
Introduction to Low-Speed Impacts
Human Subject Kinematics and Electromyographic Activity During Low Speed Rear Impacts
Recent Research on Rear Impact Collisions
Human Occupant Kinematic Response to Low Speed Rear-End Impacts
Comparative Analysis of Riot-Control Projectile Testing
The Rodney King Case: An Analysis of the Forces Produced from Baton Strikes
Read ArticleBiomechanical Analysis of Forces Produced from Baton Strikes
Design of a Motorcyclist Anthropomorphic Test Device

A Look Into A Motorcycle Case Study
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Accident Reconstruction
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Albuquerque Office Opening
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Art Facility Testing with Jeff Hughes
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Careers at Aperture
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Construction Consulting
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Digital Forensics
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Economic Consulting
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Federal Regulations & Large Trucking Industry
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Graphics & Animations
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Houston Cybertruck
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Houston Office Opening
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Human Factors
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Northeast Office Opening
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Premises Liability
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Product Liability
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