Bryan Randles
Bryan Randles is a Biomechanical Engineer and Accident Reconstructionist for Aperture (formerly Biomechanical Research and Testing). Bryan has been employed in the field of biomechanics and accident reconstruction for over 25 years and during that time he has conducted approximately 2000 instrumented tests analyzing topics including vehicle crash performance, occupant kinematics, pedestrian impacts, and amusement park ride performance. Bryan has conducted crash tests for accident reconstruction organizations, chiropractic organizations, and several television programs—including programs on The Discovery Channel and National Geographic.
Bryan holds a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Southern California and a Master of Science in Kinesiology, with an emphasis in biomechanics, from California State University, Northridge. On top of this, he has completed three years of post-graduate study in biomedical engineering with a special interest in biomechanics at the University of California, Los Angeles. Bryan is an accredited accident reconstructionist through the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR).
Bryan is credited with many peer-reviewed publications on topics such as lumbar spine loading in rear impacts, pedestrian behavior and accidents, EDR performance, occupant kinematics, driver behavior, low-speed impacts, low speed vehicles, golf carts, and the use of photogrammetry in accident reconstruction. He has also given presentations at engineering conferences, accident reconstruction conferences, transportation seminars, and other technical meetings. Bryan is a member of several professional societies, including the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), California Association of Accident Reconstruction Specialists (CA2RS), Southwest Association of Traffic Accident Investigators (SATAI), and American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Committee F-24 on Amusement Rides and Devices. Notably, Bryan serves as a technical paper reviewer for the SAE.
Bryan's Expertise
- Accident Reconstruction
- Biomechanical Analysis
- Photogrammetry
- Forensic Video Analysis
- Instrumented Testing
- Accident Simulations (HVE, PC-Crash and M-SMAC)
- Occupant Kinetics and Kinematics
- Vehicle and Site Inspections
- Vehicle EDR Downloads
Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering (B.S.), University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 1997
Master of Science, Kinesiology (M.S.), Emphasis in Biomechanics, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA, 2003
Professional Certifications
Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR)
Work Experience
Biomechanical Research & Testing, LLC, Long Beach, CA, June 2005 - Present, Biomechanical Engineer and Accident Reconstructionist / Partner
- Conducts research on the biomechanics, human response and injury potential of vehicular impacts and other activities. Performs fully instrumented tests utilizing human subjects and/or human surrogates. Data collected and analyzed include accelerations, velocities, displacements, GPS, forces, electromyography and high-speed film/video. Has conducted over 1,500 instrumented vehicle impact tests involving human subjects and/or surrogates for vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to pedestrian impacts. Has evaluated vehicular impact behavior, including various techniques for measuring vehicle crush and the assessment of vehicle damage, as well as vehicle crash and post-impact dynamics. Has conducted crash tests for various televised programs regarding automotive impacts and occupant response to impact. Conducted research regarding the use of photogrammetry in accident reconstruction.
- Conducts fully instrumented human subject testing of amusement park attractions. Has tested roller coasters, water rides, go-kart/bumper cars, and additional attractions for purposes of ride evaluation, design and development. Currently serves on the ASTM F- 24 biodynamic testing subcommittee to develop biodynamic standards for testing and evaluation of amusement park rides.
- Performs biomechanical and accident reconstruction analyses of automotive accidents and various events for purposes of litigation, including impact reconstruction, occupant kinematics, occupant force exposure and injury potential.
Clark Training Center, Law Enforcement & Public Safety Training, June 2009 - 2013, Instructor – Traffic Collision Investigation (TCI) – Reconstruction (POST certified)
- Teach a half day course as part of the Advanced Accident Reconstruction training. Topics taught include Airbag-Related Injuries and Pedestrian Accident Reconstruction and Biomechanics.
Accident Research and Biomechanics, Inc., Valencia, CA, January 1999 - June 2005, Research Engineer
- Responsible for the reconstruction and biomechanical analysis of accidents involving automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians. Evaluation of vehicle dynamics, impact severity, injury potential, occupant kinematics and slip and fall accidents. Research included pedestrian crash testing, pedestrian gait studies, low- speed rear-end volunteer testing, low-speed lateral impacts using human volunteers, vehicle dynamics of low-speed vehicles and biomechanical analysis of slip and fall.
California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA, September 1999 - December 2000, Instructor – Department of Kinesiology
- Taught an undergraduate level, upper division biomechanics lab. Also appeared as a guest lecturer on forensic biomechanics for undergraduate biomechanics class.
Collision Research and Analysis, Inc., Torrance, CA, March 1998 - December 1998, Research Engineer
- Analysis and reconstruction of automobile, auto-pedestrian, truck, bicycle and motorcycle collisions. Also participated in occupant kinematics analysis as it relates to accident reconstruction, vehicle component testing and visibility testing. Vehicle component testing included static seat pull testing, door latch testing, steering wheel and steering column testing and liftgate assembly and latch testing, including design and construction of the test fixture.
Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR)
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
California Association of Accident Reconstruction Specialist (CA2RS)
Southwestern Association of Technical Accident Investogators (SATAI)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Bryan's Expertise
- Accident Reconstruction
- Biomechanical Analysis
- Photogrammetry
- Forensic Video Analysis
- Instrumented Testing
- Accident Simulations (HVE, PC-Crash and M-SMAC)
- Occupant Kinetics and Kinematics
- Vehicle and Site Inspections
- Vehicle EDR Downloads
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