Sagar Umale
Dr. Sagar Umale is an Accident Reconstructionist and Biomechanical Engineer with Aperture. Dr. Umale has been with Aperture since 2022 and has completed courses in Accident Investigation and Reconstruction, Vehicle Dynamics, and Crash Data Retrieval (CDR). He is an accredited Accident Reconstructionist through the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstructionists (ACTAR) and certified CDR Technician.
Sagar holds a PhD degree in Biomechanics from the University of Strasbourg France, Master’s degree in Machine Design from the Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi India, and a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Nagpur University India.
Over the course of his career, Dr. Umale has been instrumental in testing anthropometric test devices, human subjects and component level tests. He has published his work in prestigious peer-reviewed journals like Journal of Biomechanics, Journal of Biomechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials and Traffic Injury Prevention. He has also presented his work at the International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) and Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) conferences. The topics of his published work cover injury causation, occupant kinematics, spine biomechanics, soft tissue mechanics and restraint systems using experimental and computational methods.
He is proficient user of the FARO 3D Laser Scanner and Scene software, MATLAB, and finite element modeling softwares that include LS-Dyna, Madymo, ANSA, and Hypermesh. He has developed techniques to extrapolate finite element models of existing humans into humans with different anthropometries. He is a member of Southwestern Association of Technical Accident Investigators (SATAI), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES).
Sagar's Expertise
- Accident Reconstruction
- Biomechanical Analysis
- Occupant / Pedestrian Kinematics / Injury analysis
- Vehicle and Occupant Simulation
- Crash Data Retrieval (CDR)
- Vehicle Inspection
- Instrumented Crash Testing
PhD, Biomechanics
Master of Technology, Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Professional Certifications
CDR Technician
Work Experience
Aperture, LLC, Forensic Expert
- Dr Umale is responsible for the investigation and analysis of injury-causing events during a crash, which includes vehicle and site inspections, accident reconstruction, and biomechanical engineering calculations. Conducts ongoing research and experiments to investigate the occupant kinematics and spinal loads for injury causation. He uses human subjects and/or human surrogates experimental to develop finite element models that can be further simulated for different crash scenarios and estimate injury mechanisms.
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (MCW), USA, Senior Research Scientist
- Dr. Umale was responsible for applying for grants to various Federal and State institutions including NHTSA. He was Co-Investigator of two NHTSA funded grants which aimed to investigate Automated Vehicle Occupant Kinematics using experimentation and finite element modeling.
- During his research at MCW, he has investigated occupant kinematics in farside, using Global Human Body Models Consortium (GHBMC) models, and three different athropometric test devices (ATDs). He has also investigated the effectiveness of restraint systems such as airbags and seatbelts in farside impacts.
- Dr. Umale developed an elderly GHBMC by updating the morphology and tissues properties in the models and investigated the difference in injury mechanisms of the young and elderly occupants. He has investigated occupant kinematics in highly reclined postures during a crash in autonomous vehicles.
- He has investigated the injury mechanisms of lumbar spine in highspeed frontal crashes. He developed osteoligamentous lumbar spine finite element model and investigated biomechanical effects of different fusion techniques, to assist surgeons with clinical decision making.
- He also performed cyclic loading environment experiments on the cervical spine, analyzed results, and used finite element modeling to determine the failure mechanisms due to fatigue.
University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, PhD student and Research Engineer
- In his early years of research, he performed tissue level experiments on abdominal organs such as liver, kidney and spleen, and used the experimental results to develop mathematical material models. And further implemented the mathematical models in abdominal finite element models that he developed. The finite element models were used to understand injury mechanisms due to impact.
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
Southwestern Association of Technical Accident Investigators (SATAI)
Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
CDR/EDR Downloads
3D Laser Scanning
Crash Simulation
Crash Testing for Biomechanical Investigations
Finite Element Modeling: LS Dyna, ANSA, Hypermesh
Sagar's Expertise
- Accident Reconstruction
- Biomechanical Analysis
- Occupant / Pedestrian Kinematics / Injury analysis
- Vehicle and Occupant Simulation
- Crash Data Retrieval (CDR)
- Vehicle Inspection
- Instrumented Crash Testing
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