Steve Irwin
Steve Irwin is a Founder with Aperture (formerly Scientific Analysis Inc.). Steve founded Scientific Analysis Inc. which would later partner with Aperture. Steve has worked in the field of accident reconstruction for more than 30 years and has investigated thousands of accidents—both for plaintiff and defense attorneys—in the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, and the Middle East.
Steve's Expertise
- Accident Reconstruction
- Premises Liability
- Product Liability
Steve holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington and completed the following coursework:
Northwestern University: Evanston, Illinois
- At-scene Accident Investigation, May 1989
- Technical Accident Investigation, May 1989
- Traffic Accident Reconstruction, December 1989
- Traffic Accident Reconstruction II, November 1990 Traffic Control Devices, January 1993
Texas A&M University: College Station, Texas
- Commercial Vehicle Accident Reconstruction, December 1991 Applied Physics in Accident Reconstruction, July 1994 Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction, February 1995
- Conference on Reconstruction and Safety on the Highway, March 1997 Vehicle Trailer Underrides, Low Speed Collisions, Night Vision Conference on Reconstruction and Safety on the Highway, October 1998 Vehicle Crash Tests, Crash Algorithms and Crush Analysis
Burlington Northern Railroad
- Grade Crossing Accident Investigation, November 1990
Texas Association of Accident Reconstruction Specialists
- Staged train crossing accident: train and passenger vehicle.
- Staged train crossing accident: train and school bus.
- Pedestrian and pedacyclist vehicle accident reconstruction.
- The Physics and Basics of Photography, Photogrammetry and Digital Cameras
Society of Automotive Engineers
- Heavy Vehicle Roll-over, April 1993
American Society of Civil Engineers
- HEC II Stream Analysis, 1985
- Roadside Design: AASHTO Design Guide, January 1997
Maryland Association of Traffic Accident Investigators
- 2004 Combined Annual Conference for Collision Reconstruction, October 2004
- Collision Safety Institute, Inc.
- Crash Data Retrieval System Operator’s Certification Course, May 2005
- High-Definition Scanner Training, October 2009
- High-Definition Laser Scanner Training, February 2010
Scientific Analysis, Inc.
- Heavy Vehicle Electronic Control Module Download Training, December 2010 Crash Data Retrieval Systems Training, September 2019
Crash Safety Research Center
- Recognition – closing speed vs. closing threshold, August 2017
- Human Factors in Traffic Crashes Analysis of Driver's Responses, December 2018
Professional Certifications
He has completed specialized study in accident reconstruction at the Traffic Institute at Northwestern University and Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University as well as:
State of Illinois
- Illinois Local Governmental Law Enforcement Officers Training Board
Collision Safety Institute, Inc.
- Crash Data Retrieval Specialist
Work Experience
Aperture, LLC (formerly Scientific Analysis, Incorporated), Current, Executive Vice President, Accident Reconstruction President
- Accident investigation, reconstruction, and analysis for passenger and commercial vehicles through employment of engineering and scientific disciplines. Consultation regarding construction and configuration of roadways and their characteristics including signing, width, condition, curvature, grade, etc. and analysis of their impact on vehicular or industrial accidents. Production of trial and testimony aids such as accident site diagrams, maps, charts, crime scenes, and exhibits.
Accident Reconstruction Lab, Inc., May 1988 to August 1990, Associate
- Investigation and reconstruction of passenger and commercial vehicle and train accidents. Responsible for on-site investigation, data collection and subsequent accident site diagrams. Including analysis of vehicle points of perception-reaction, impact, and rest. Assisted in the analysis of over 150 vehicle accidents including all calculations of those properties vital to accident reconstruction.
G.D.I. and Associates, May 1986 to May 1988, Project Manager
- Street and Highway engineering design company. Responsible for the production of roadway construction documents. Design of roadway configuration parameters such as horizontal and vertical alignments, to be in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.
Graham Associates Inc., Feb. 1984 to May 1986, Project Engineer
- Street and Highway engineering design company. Assisted project manager in the production of roadway construction documents. Additional work included on-site inspection of the construction of one mile of roadway in Arlington, Texas including pavement and drainage facilities, water and sewer utilities. Responsible for contractor supervision, insuring the adherence to the construction documents and to the City of Arlington standards. As well as resolving design conflicts.
Steve is a member of many professional societies, including:
- American Cartographic Association
- American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
- American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists
- National Society of Professional Surveyors
- Society of Automotive Engineers
- Texas Association of Accident Reconstruction Specialists
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
3D Laser Scanning
Commercial Vehicle Brake Inspection
Commercial Vehicle Downloading
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Expert Testimony
GPS Surveying
Passenger Vehicle Downloading
Report Writing
Steve's Expertise
- Accident Reconstruction
- Premises Liability
- Product Liability
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